Leigh Bell
2 min readJan 25, 2023

I wrote an article a few months back and posted it on Medium. I didn’t really like it, but I thought to myself Just Do It! Don’t be afraid! And so with a tremble in my heart I hit the post button and waited to hear what the world thought of me. No one responded.

So now here I sit at my computer, thinking why? I realize now that I did not promote the story because I did not believe in it. I was not writing from my heart. What I wrote was too bubbly and optimistic for the person I really am, and so it read as false. I’m actually glad no one read it, or if they did they had the courtesy not to say anything.

Part of this issue is that I don’t trust myself. After all, who am I to be giving advice? I do not hold the secrets of the Universe in my hands, nor do I know how to find happiness. Hell, I’m not even sure I know what happiness is.

When I read books about how to be a writer the advice is usually to “write what you know”. Well, most of the time I feel like I don’t know shit. Which may or may not be true.

I am making a promise to myself; to start posting the real stuff I write, dark and moody as it may be. It occurred to me today that I am an explorer-of my own mind. I am merely attempting to decode the programming I came with and learn how to enjoy the rest of my time in this consciousness.

Leigh Bell

Explorer, researcher, thinker, writer. Learning to create beauty from chaos.